Europe France Paris Travel

Christmas comes to Galeries Lafayette

Every year, the world famous department store Galeries Lafayette dons a festive Christmas attire. Stunning lights cover the facades of the store’s buildings creating a sparkling mosaic of colour.

On a cold November night in Paris, we braved icy fingers to marvel at the display and trip camera shutters bringing a taste of a Parisian Noël back home.

Inside the main store, a massive sapin de noel, a decorated Christmas tree rises towards the famous glass and steel dome.

Overhanging lights illuminate the exterior of the main store.

The window displays attract onlookers of all ages. Including this curious teddy bear with the cute tail. I wanted to take him home.

This year’s theme includes animated teddy bears in the kitchen, ginger bread men and a ginger bread house. Is the cutie in the hat a tribute to Michael Jackson?

These bears were busy cooking and baking at a frenetic pace. Maybe they should all come home and prepare my Christmas feast.

But one it was too much for one bear who just lay down asleep. And snored.

But the turkey was bouncing to the music.

Each window featured teddy bears dressed by a particular fashion designer. These wore Jean-Paul Gaultier outfits.

Papa Noël could bring me these killer heels but all I want for Christmas is the bear essential…

Joyeux Noël Paris!

About the author

Corinne Mossati

Corinne Mossati is a drinks writer, author of GROW YOUR OWN COCKTAIL GARDEN, SHRUBS & BOTANICAL SODAS and founder/editor of Gourmantic, Cocktails & Bars and The Gourmantic Garden. She has been writing extensively about spirits, cocktails, bars and cocktail gardening in more recent years. She is a spirits and cocktail competition judge, Icons of Whisky Australia nominee, contributor to Diageo Bar Academy, cocktail developer and is named in Australian Bartender Magazine's Top 100 Most Influential List. Her cocktail garden was featured on ABC TV’s Gardening Australia and has won several awards. She is a contributor to Real World Gardener radio program and is featured in several publications including Pip Magazine, Organic Gardener, Australian Bartender and Breathe (UK). Read the full bio here.